For everyone who doesn't know, Eric came Monday at 5:52pm at just 27 weeks. He was 2lbs. and 14 inches long. I had some pain Monday morning and called to see what they wanted me to do. They thought maybe it was just a simple infection so they sent me to the hospital to make sure. They hooked me up to the monitors at around 2:45 and never picked up a single contraction. The nurses were waiting to see what my labs came back as and the pain started getting worse and when they checked me less than 2 hours later I was 8 cm dilated and there was no stopping it. Jacob and I had just said our good-byes to Troy that morning for his trip to Ft. Benning Georgia. Troy got the call and turned around and headed straight back. I got to see Eric for less than a minute before they Life-Flighted him up to Charleston via helicopter. Troy got back around 9:45 that night and we got a call about 2 hours later that they didn't think Eric would make it through the night so we prepped to go up there and see him and by the grace of God they called back and said all of his blood work had started looking better and better and that we should get some rest and let me recuperate. We went up the next morning and he is headed in the right direction. He is still a very sick baby that will have his good days and his bad but so far he is showing no signs of any organ or brain damage and continues to be as stable as a 2 lb. baby can be. He did develop a little jaundice which is why the picture is blue and he has his groovy shades on!! Thank you to eveyone for your prayers and show of support for our family. We will try to update you all as soon as we get new info. My Mom and sister flew up yesterday to be with us so we have some extra help.
Thank you again!
The Sayler Family
Troy, Tracey, Jacob & Eric