Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Fresh Start

Wow, I have really let this blog go by the wayside. I have let Facebook picture posting take it's place but I much prefer the story telling that happens on my blog. Soooooo.......what am I going to do about that. Well, I guess this is my chance to start fresh. Lots of new things are happening this year. This is my first year homeschooling the kiddos. Preschool has been challenging, amazing and more rewarding than I ever thought possible. It has really revealed our families strengths and weaknesses (I really enjoy the relaxed learning and the freedom to stop and play out the stories, Jacob has an amazing ear for detail and can answer any question you ask about something we read, Eric always has the right answer and it is ALWAYS Why-lie (his word for Lightning McQueen from Cars) and Troy continues to expand our vocabularies at the dinner table (very interesting to hear him explain politics to a 4 year old). Most of all it has really inspired us all to rediscover our love of learning (and playing). I have also rediscovered my love of quilting and sewing. I have tried to reignite my love of scrapbooking but I'm not sure it's working. So here I go. Let's see what lands on these pages from my busy life.